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I am Her.

a work of Art

Cosmic Bliss

Cosmic Bliss





Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

Water Lily.png

Water Lily



Laughing Empress

Laughing Empress



Loud and Proud.png

Loud and Proud

As She Is

always enough.







Editions Available

All limited editions are high quality glicee prints, signed and accompanied with a Certificate of Authenticity

Open editions are printed with archival inks and watercolor paper

For sizing and pricing contact

what clients are saying

I decided to have my yoni printed to connect with myself on a different level. Since moving to Arizona a year ago I have felt the best I have in over 10 years and started a journey of self discovery and self love. I was very fortunate to be introduced to Christina and have attended other workshops that she facilitated. Christina has amazing energy and an amazing spirit. 

The process of getting my yoni printed was amazing. Starting with connecting to my yoni and listening to what she has to tell me. This is a new experience for me and I was immediately at ease with the way that Christina goes about the process. She explains everything that she is doing and makes you very comfortable. Christina’s touch was gentle as she captured the detail and spirit of my yoni. The paint brush is soft and the application of paint is gentle. The sensation is nothing like I’ve felt before. It was if my yoni was saying, “Here I am, all of me, see me, hear me, I am beautiful.” The first moment I saw my yoni printed I was in awe. It was amazing to see what she looked like. As the printing continued it was remarkable to see all that she was in different stages of openness. I was fortunate to have a fellow sister with me, someone I did not really know, but I am so glad she was there. There was an instant connection and bonding with another woman on another level that does not happen often. The sisterhood between the three of us as I went through the process is something that I treasure. I was able to let go of the things that hold me back. Things like embarrassment and body shaming were pushed aside. I was able to show who I am without fear. 

Such a powerful experience.

To me having my yoni printed was about learning about myself and empowering myself. I had a feeling of pride. Standing back and looking at all the prints I continued to see something different in each print. Beauty, strength, nature, love, movement. I have all of those things and more inside of me and I am grateful for the experience.

Grateful for the ability to see myself in a new way.

I didn’t say yes to having Christina create a print of my yoni.

I said “YES! I can’t believe I can be a part of this! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, this collection could be as impactful to women’s self acceptance as the Great Wall of Vagina and I can be a part of helping women to accept themselves wholly”. I can be a part of the healing of years of shame learned from sex negativity, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and daily micro aggressions. I can be a part of the moment when a woman sees the beauty of a hidden part of a woman which is usually only seen clearly in porn. I can be a part of showing women that our yonis, like our personalities, are all unique expressions of the chi or ashe or tao which flows through us, around us and is us.


There is no Self. There is only the I that is We. 


The process of presenting my yoni, connecting with her in front of another, and allowing that other person to touch me where only a few have respectfully gone was blissful, intuitive, sad, and healing. I agreed to being a part of the Yoni Print collection to be a part of healing other women, to open their eyes to their own beauty and to help them recognize that we are one, we are unique, and ALL is well. But as I placed one hand on my heart and one on my yoni I felt and knew in my soul that I was the woman who most needed a collection like this to be made. I needed to share my yoni and I needed to see the yonis of other women so I can heal, so I can reconnect with her, and so I can see I’m not different. Unique, but not different.

Different has such a negative connotation for me. I have been different all my life but in this collection I am unique. Now I see, my yoni and I are uniquely beautiful and after this experience she is uniquely celebrated and loved.

The genesis of “yes” for me is simply because I was asked and yoni printing sounded interesting.

The journey the “yes” took me on was unexpected. The process of the painting itself was fascinating. It should have felt odd baring my most private self, but instead it felt like coming home. It felt like the joy and intimacy of family. Unexpected emotion welled up, and I could clearly hear my yoni’s authentic voice for the first time. It was like receiving the most delicious hug from the universe. 

When I saw the prints (and I still can’t stop looking at them) I was entranced. I find that they tell me something new about myself each time I look at them. Ballet dancers, peacocks, pop culture references, pieces of my relationships...all captured in my yoni, my Natasha, guardian of my soul. The rebirth of a Phoenix burning bright with flame. 

I shared my experience with several people I love, and the telling of the tale was something intimate, sweet and exciting. I was surprised at the reaction of my husband. In hearing about the experience, it allowed him to hear Natasha’s voice as well. On occasion he will talk to her now, placing his hand over her and honoring her with his love and warmth. As for me, I feel like I have woken a slumbering entity. One that is maiden, mother and crone. It sometimes feels like an impossible wisdom. I will be eternally grateful for the gift.

When I first saw a yoni print I was struck with curiosity and with fear.


I had never considered celebrating my yoni and certainly did not consider myself brave enough to bare her to be painted. I kept the idea in the back of my mind with the thought that maybe someday I would have the nerve.


That someday came not long after I started down the path to heal my sexuality and my heart. It was a very natural progression for me that served as a way to take back my power and let go of shame. To be witnessed in such a vulnerable way is powerful.

It helped change the way I interact with her.

I let her out to dance more.

I touch her. I stare. I revel in her flirtatious beauty.

Like many things in my life, the choice comes down to friendship, trust, and curiosity. I haven’t felt like a creative person since childhood, but when Christina began talking about yoni prints the idea of collaborating with her and seeing what would be revealed excited me.

The experience for me can only be described as anxious relaxation. I put myself in Christinas capable hands and sank into the sensations: the softness of the paintbrush, the coldness of the paint, the pressure of the surface; arousing and relaxing all at once. But the anticipation remained and each print was new and different. I was anxious to see what would be revealed each time and amazed by the many ways my yoni presented herself. I didn’t think she had that many facets or that I would see so much in my prints!

I’ve shared my favorite prints with others and encouraged them to do prints of their own. I would definitely do it again! I’m so glad that I took the chance, and I couldn’t have done it without Christina on the other end of the paintbrush.

Sexual Healing Artist

"She arrived a little shy and reserved. Her body folded in as to protect her heart. We talked, shared and created a space that was just for her. Her body began to soften. Her breath began to relax. Then about midway through she turned to her prints and a smile began to form. I had the pleasure of witnessing her experience herself in such a way that is truly magical. It’s always special to witness a woman who cannot stop smiling at the sight of her own beauty." - Christina Castaldo 

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